Week 13A - Online Advertising Analysis

In reviewing several dessert based businesses such as Nothing Bundt Cakes and Cheryl's Cookies, their social advertising appears very effective. Their posts use favorable foodie imagery, and they make great use of holidays and special occasions to spark interest in purchases.  Nothing Bundt Cakes employs a strong sense of brand recognition with their distinct logo, Bundt cake shape, and packaging. They link this brand image very strategically to their social media advertising.

Social Media ads that draw my attention use bold imagery and colors. I pause for ads typically that include food images, holiday themes, decorating ideas, or travel. I am drawn also to ads for stores that I frequent, which also include specific sales as their CTA's, such as "20% off Today." I find health and medical related ads on Facebook annoying, and that maybe possibly because I realize that Facebook has figured our my age, which I don't need to be constantly reminded of.

Social Media advertising has greater impact than traditional advertising. Traditional advertising strives to get a message to as many people in a target audience as possible. Traditional marketing techniques include television, radio, magazines, newspapers, direct mail, and brand recognition strategies. Traditional avenues send a message, but do not solicit immediate customer feedback. Also, the traditional mechanisms such as newspaper and traditional network television are becoming more obsolete and therefore less effective.


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